Quality, Health, Safety & Environment (QHSE)
Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) at SAMCON
We understand the value o human life and sustainable development or healthy growth of a community. SAMCON QHSE program ensure these goals by exercising zero tolerance for errors in the implementation of best industrial QHSE practices these are supplemented with incentives. Process control and deployment of most effective time tested quality improvement tools
Our strategy is built around plan. do. Check and act (PDCA) and is reflected in our system appreciating following key elements
- Provision of a framework for the setting of QHSE Goals and performance objectives.
- .Monitoring. Evaluating and continually improving upon QHSE performance through operational standards training assessments and audits.
- Making customers. Contractors. And business partners familiar with our QHSE system and creating awareness on how their actions can influence QHSE performance.
- Making QHSE a part of all product development projects.